Wednesday, January 19, 2011

Trip to Yosemite...

So myself and a friend of mine have been talking for a long time about going to Yosemite to take photos and we finally did! I have not been there for such a long time and was really wanting to go.  My hubby went with us and we had lots of fun! We slipped and slid all over the place and some spills were involved as well. ;-)

I could not believe how pretty it was. I could have taken thousands of photos if my camera was fast enough.  What a perfect day it was.  Here are a few pics from the trip....


  1. Yosemite is so gorgeous. We stopped on our road trip but only had a day. I want to go back and stay for a week at some point, I felt so at home there. :) beautiful photos!

  2. Thanks Lindsey! Isn't that place amazing. Sadly, it's practically in my back yard. I plan to visit more often. We are going to try and go in the spring and fall. Summer is just too crowded and hot.

  3. What a beautiful place! Absolutely breath taking! I know I would love this place.

  4. It's very breath taking Stacey! And I think you would love it. You ever thought of visiting California?

  5. Yosemite, one of God's natural wonders. Having grown up in Cali we visited several times during summer vacations. Beautiful pictures and love the post!

    "No temple made with hands can compare with Yosemite... the grandest of all special temples of Nature."

    John Muir
